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What Should You Do If Your Anti-lock Brakes (ABS) Warning Light Stays On?

  By - Eagan Taylor    On Mar 17, 2025

What Should You Do If Your Anti-lock Brakes (ABS) Warning Light Stays On?

A warning sign of anti lock brakes, or ABS, appearing on the vehicle’s information cluster can sometimes be worrying. If not taken care of on time, it can risk an unwanted situation.  To ensure human and vehicle safety, follow the steps jotted below – just for you!

What To Do If Anti Lock Brakes Warning Light Stays On?

Have you ever been in a situation when you are on the way to the valley and suddenly your abs warning light turns on? Did it worry you because the steep slope and braking were crucial to function? I would second you when it comes to the importance of functional braking while driving. 

At times, there are many situations in which the ABS light may turn on. Instead of panicking in an emergency when you want to use the anti lock brakes but are seeing its warning light, calmly follow the listed steps and prioritise human and vehicle safety. 

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Restart Your Vehicle

Turning off and restarting your vehicle can sometimes help you with handling the ABS light. At some instances, there is a temporary electrical issue that may trigger turning on the light. What you need to do is follow these three simple yet necessary steps:

  • Park your car in a safe spot (if you are already travelling)

  • Turn off the vehicle 

  • Restart by giving ignition 

If the light goes down, fair enough. If it does not, move towards the next steps!

Check The Brake Fluid Levels

One of the most basic and primary steps that you need to undertake when the ABS light turns on is to check the brake fluid levels. Every vehicle has a brake fluid compartment, mostly fixed near the engine, marked with low and max quantity.

What you need to do is to check if the brake oil is low. If it is, refill it to the maximum point. If the ABS light was turned on because of low oil levels, it would automatically turn on, and you would be good to go!

Replace the ABS Fuse If It Becomes Faulty

Sometimes, the ABS light turns on because the fuse has malfunctioned. In such a situation, you need to open the fuse box and replace it if you have hands-on knowledge about it.

Pro Tip:

We would recommend you to change the fuse only if you know the electrical ins and outs. If not, consider connecting with a mechanic.

Plug In Your Battery Again

Do you know that carbon on the battery or maybe an electrical error can make certain warning signs turn on, one of which can be an ABS light? Replugging battery wires with safety essentials can help in turning off the abs warning light. 

Expert Advice:

Before you replug the battery wires, ensure that the car is turned off and that you are wearing safety gloves. Safety measures should be prioritised!

Consult Your Vehicle's Manufacturer Manual

Every vehicle has a manufacturer’s manual with all the necessary information that you as an owner need to know. In the case of the ABS signal, you can look for guidelines for a tailored and recommended solution.

Expert Tip:

Never disregard the ABS warning light, as it is what your brakes rely on. Whenever the ABS light turns on, prioritise understanding its cause and look for the best solutions!

Connect With A Reliable Mechanic

What is better than connecting with the expert car mechanic and getting your ABS brake light fixed right away? If you are not able to put out the warning light for the ABS despite following the aforementioned steps, look for a reliable mechanic.

Pro Tip:

Only let an expert ABS mechanic fix your brake, and do not rely on quacks!


To conclude, it can be said that if your anti lock brakes warning light turns on, it should immediately be taken care of. Restart your vehicle for a system reset and check if the light turns off. If not, check the brake fluid levels, replace the fuse, replug your battery or consult the vehicle manual. If the issue is not resolved after following the mentioned steps, try connecting with a reliable ABS mechanic.

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About Author : Eagan Taylor

Hey! I'm Eagan Taylor, I'm a versatile writer with a passion for crafting engaging and thought-provoking content. With a broad range of interests and expertise in various subjects, I can write on multiple topics about local businesses.

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