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An Insight into Dog Walker’s Charges

  By - Eagan Taylor    On Sep 30, 2024

An Insight into Dog Walker’s Charges

Did you just come home late after working extra hours at the office and saw your furry guy annoyed? Are you feeling guilty because you cannot spend time with him because of your hectic routine? Well, it seems like you need to search for local dog walkers! They are well-trained and expert owing to which they can take your dog for a walk paving the way for his good health and needed socialisation!

Why Do You Need Dog Walkers?

Did you ever notice a spark in your furry head’s eyes whenever you tell him that you are about to take him out for a stroll? Does he become excited and start running here and there because of happiness? We know, it also puts a smile on your face because you care about his well-being. Wait, what? Did you not take your pup for fresh air for more than a month? 

Woah! It seems like you need to search for dog walkers near me. No need to worry, this write-up has got you covered. 
Take a look at the reasons why you need you should consider hiring a dog walker:

  • Pre-Occupied Official Schedule

Do you own a business startup that keeps you busy the entire day and you come late? Oh, well. So you are a job holder who has a lot of burden on his shoulders just because your CEO expects something extraordinary from you?
Despite all of this, do you want your dog to have healthy activities daily? Well. it seems like you need to go for dog walkers London.

  • Personal Ailing Health

Well, first of all, hats off to you for prioritising your dog’s saunter despite suffering from medical conditions. We understand that you might not be able to take your pup out. Therefore, you need to look for a soul who can do that for you!

  • Lack of expertise in walking a dog

Sometimes, it is more than just taking one step at a time. It’s about the mental stimulation that is required for your pup’s well-being. You can take your dog outside, but sometimes he might refuse to even move. Here is when you need to contact a professional who walks dogs!

Guide to Average Price of a Dog Walker

Are you googling “how much do dog walkers charge” but not able to find anything credible? Well, it seems like you just got your 11:11 wish answered! We would not only explain the price that a dog walker may charge but also enlist the factors that may affect their prices. 

Grab a seat, we are about to uncurtain something that you have been longing for!

Factors affecting the prices of pup walkers and charges

  • Locality – pay more if you have high walls

The rule is simple. Pay at a high rate if your pockets are filled with pounds! For instance, if you’re living in Central London, expect to pay somewhere between 13.45 pounds to 25 pounds. However, residents of Blackburn or Huddersfield might have to pay less than 6 pounds.

  • Number of Dogs – More the pups, more the price

Suppose you want Susan and Marco – your furry couple to go see nature. Won’t it be unfair if you ask the walker to get your dogs out at the price of a single do? We recommend you pay the price of two as it takes more effort and time to handle both dogs. The walker has to give equal time and attention to both of them so that both relieve excess pent-up energy!

Pro Tip

Ask the dog walker to give treats to both dogs so that none of them feels left out!

  • Feeding the dog – Give extra pennies for the tummy

If you have a pup that gets hungry after a brisk walk, you will need to direct the walker service provider to get your dog’s energy boosted within due time. For this purpose, you will have to pay him slightly higher!

  • Part of the day - Costly evening walks and Economical Morning Steps

Did you know that evening walkers of all dogs charge more than the sunrise time? Well, it is primarily about the peak factor. Most people prefer to send their pups for evening strolls owing to the weather and high chances of socialisation. However, mornings see streets empty because most of the people are busy in their offices! 

Pro Tip

If you want to pay less and even get your dog to see life, try getting services in the morning and evening on alternative days!

  • Time of the year – Big Days Demand More Cash

Do not expect less than 35 pounds for a thirty-minute walk of your dog by a walker on Christmas! Well, it is a day to celebrate and if someone is sacrificing high hours for your furry’s well-being, they deserve to be paid more! 

  • Pay for the expertise – Good Care of Your Dog

If a person has years of experience in handling different breeds of dogs, he will charge you slightly higher than average. We recommend you hire such people especially if you own a rare breed. They are already less in number, take due care of them!


To sum up, different charges are demanded by walkers based on the time of the year, moment of the day, food for the dog along many others. On average the prices range between 6 pounds to 35 pounds based on different factors as mentioned above. It is pertinent for you to take hold of the information in this piece of text so that you can understand dog walkers near me prices. Based on these prices, you can take care of your furry despite having an occupied routine!

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About Author : Eagan Taylor

Hey! I'm Eagan Taylor, I'm a versatile writer with a passion for crafting engaging and thought-provoking content. With a broad range of interests and expertise in various subjects, I can write on multiple topics about local businesses.

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