travel and leisure


What Should You Do If Your Anti-lock Brakes (ABS) Warning Light Stays On?

If your anti-lock brakes (ABS) warning light stays on, try to restart your engine, check the brake fluid levels, replug the battery wires and perform a couple of other important steps mentioned!


How Should You Use Anti-Lock Brakes When You Need To Stop In An Emergency?

Several ways have been shared that help in understanding the best possible action to undertake when using anti-lock brakes to stop in an emergency.


How To Carefully Overtake A Motorcyclist On A Windy Day?

We have shared a comprehensive and easy-to-understand guide about the ways to carefully overtake a motorcyclist on a windy day!


Why Should You Allow Extra Room While Overtaking A Motorcyclist On A Windy Day?

We have shared a comprehensive and easy-to-understand guide as to why you should allow extra room while overtaking a motorcyclist on a windy day!


How Should A Load Be Carried On Your Roof Rack?

We have mentioned in detail expert-recommended ways that help in safely carrying a load on the roof rack. Along with this roof rack law permissibility is also jotted down.


How Will A Roof Rack Affect Your Car?

We have shed light on different ways through which the installation and usage of roof racks affect cars. In addition, innovative ways are also shared that help minimize these effects!


What's The Speed Limit For A Car Towing A Trailer On A Motorway?

We have explained in detail the speed limit for a car towing a trailer on a motorway. In addition to this, we have also jotted down the logical reasons for following speed limits!


what must you do when you hitch an unbraked trailer to a towing vehicle

We have mentioned in detail all the essentials that need to be kept in mind when you hitch an unbraked trailer to a towing vehicle. The towing capacity, towing licence and speed limit is also listed.


How to tackle the unpredictable UK weather?

The unpredictable weather in the United Kingdom can be tackled by weather-resistant apparel, an eye for weather forecasting tools, and an intake of warm seasonal drinks.


What Are The Different Types Of Accommodation?

When planning a trip, finding the correct accommodation type is crucial for a comfortable and enjoyable stay. With so many different types of accommodation available, deciding which one is best for your needs can be overwhelming. In this article, we'll explore the various types of accommodation and...